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pep-jersey-server eases the development of Procedure Execution Platforms.

All the developper has to do is develop a class that extends ProcedureExecutor and is annotated with @ContainerPath:

@ContainerPath("RandomNumberGeneration") // the local path of the container on the server
public class RandomNumberGenerator implements ProcedureExecutor {

    public Future<Model> execute(Model command) throws PEPException {...}

    public void create(ProcedureExecution procedureExecution) throws PEPException {...}

    public ProcedureExecution find(String id) {...}



Two utility abstract classes further ease the implementation of the ProcedureExecutor interface:

  • ProcedureExecutorMap stores procedure executions in a HashMap
  • ProcedureExecutorDataset stores procedure executions in a Dataset.

Maven project

Binaries, sources and documentation for pep-jersey-server are available for download at Maven Central. To use it in your Maven project, add the following dependency declaration to your Maven project file ( *.pom file):


The javadoc contains comprehensive documentations and examples, and the sources of this website is a simple web project to get started with pep-jersey-server.