
  • Class Summary
    Iterator function iter:call-select takes as input a IRI to a SPARQL-Select document, runs it on the current Dataset, and binds the given variables to the output of the select query, in order.
    Iterator function iter:defaultGraphNamespaces iterates over the prefix declarations of the default graph on which the query is executed.
    Iterator function iter:for iterates over numeric values that start at the first argument, increment by the second argument (positive or negatice), and stops whenever it goes beyond the third argument.
    Iterator function iter:HTTPGet binds the responses of regular GET operations to a HTTP(s) URL.
    Iterator function iter:regex iterates over the input subsequences captured by the ith groups of every regex matches.
    Iterator function iter:Split iterates over the array of strings resulting from spliting the input string around matches of the given regular expression.