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PEP-RDFP Alignemnts

This ontology augments the Process Execution Platform ontology with the description of inputs and outputs as RDF Graphs.

Figure below is a precised overview of the PEP Ontology with RDFP concepts.

Overview of the PEP Ontology with RDFP concepts.

This ontology is the basis for:

A procedure links to the description of the RDF graph it expects as input, and to the description of the graph it outputs. For example, the following RDF graph describes a procedure where:

  • the topic of the input graph is a car;
  • the topic of the output is the speed of that same car, which is forecasted.
@prefix pep: <> .
@prefix rdfp: <> .
@prefix seas: <> .

<procedure> a pep:Process ;
  pep:hasInput [ a rdfp:GraphDescription ;
    foaf:topic _:car ] ;
  pep:hasOutput [ a rdfp:GraphDescription ;
    foaf:topic _:evaluation ] .

_:car <speed> [ seas:evaluation _:evaluation ] .

_:evaluation a seas:Forecast .

A procedure execution may link to the names of RDF graphs that represent the command, and the result. For example, the following RDF graph describes a procedure execution:

@prefix pep: <> .

<exec> a pep:ProcessExecution ;
  pep:hasCommand <exec/command> ;
  pep:hasResult <exec/result> .

Then the graph with name <exec/command> contains:

@prefix pep:  <>.
@prefix seas: <>.
@prefix time: <>.
@prefix xsd:  <>.

<car/1> <speed> <car/1/speed> .
<car/1/speed> seas:evaluation <evaluation> .
<evaluation> seas:hasTemporalContext [ time:inXSDDateTime "2016-07-22T12:05:43Z"^^xsd:dateTime ] .

And the graph with name <exec/result> contains:

@prefix pep:  <>.
@prefix seas: <>.
@prefix time: <>.
@prefix xsd:  <>.
@prefix cdt: <>.

<car/1> <speed> <car/1/speed> .
<car/1/speed> seas:evaluation <evaluation> .
<evaluation> a seas:Forecast ;
  seas:evaluatedValue "73 km/h"^^cdt:ucum ; 
  seas:hasTemporalContext [ time:inXSDDateTime "2016-07-22T12:05:43Z"^^xsd:dateTime ] .