• All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ITER_JSONPath
    extends IteratorFunctionBase
    Iterator function iter:JSONPath extracts a list of sub-JSON documents of a JSON document, according to a JSONPath expression. See for the JSONPath syntax specification.

    See Live example

    • Param 1: (json): the URI of the JSON document (a URI), or the JSON object itself (a String);
    • Param 2: (jsonPath) the JSONPath query;
    • Param 3 .. N : (auxJsonPath ... ) other JSONPath queries, which will be executed over the results of the execution of jsonPath, and provide one result each.
    The following variables may be bound:
    • Output 1: (string) sub-JSON document, encoded in a string literal;
    • Output 2 .. N-1: result of the execution of the auxiliary JsonPath queries on Output 1, encoded as a boolean, float, double, integer, string, as it best fits;
    • Output N: (integer) the position of the result in the list;
    • Output N+1: (boolean) true if this result has a next result in the list.
    Output 2 and 3 can be used to generate RDF lists from the input, but the use of keyword LIST( ?var ) as the object of a triple pattern covers most cases more elegantly.
    Maxime Lefrançois