Class ITER_MQTTSubscribe

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ITER_MQTTSubscribe
    extends IteratorStreamFunctionBase
    Iterator function iter:MQTTSubscribe connects to a MQTT server, subscribes to some topics, and issues bindings for the topic (first variable) and the message (second variable) when they are received.

    See Live example

    • Param 1: (a String or URL) the MQTT server. Two types of connection are supported tcp:// for a TCP connection and ssl:// for a TCP connection secured by SSL/TLS;
    • Param 2 .. n (optional, Strings): topics to subscribe to.

    For SSL configuration (programmatic or using JVM arguments), see the constructor of MqttClient.

    Additional connection OPTIONS configuration can be programmatically set using the MqttConnectOptions returned by getOptions().

    The MQTT message (byte[]) is assumed to be a UTF-8 string. This behaviour may may changed using setParser(java.util.function.Function<byte[], org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue>) static method.

    Maxime Lefrançois