SPARQL-Generate Executable JAR

The SPARQL-Generate 2.0 executable JAR can be obtained from the Releases page of the project on GitHub.

Executing this JAR requires Java JRE 1.8 or above.

Note on versions

The documentation below applies to versions >2

Command line

The default template for calling SPARQL Extensions is as follows:

java -jar sparql-generate.jar [arguments]

SPARQL Extensions Executable JAR Arguments

  • -h,--help Show help
  • -b,--base <arg> Base URI of the working directory. If set, each file in the working directory is identified by a URI resolved against the base.
  • -d,--dir <arg> Location of the directory with the queryset, documentset, dataset, and configuration files as explained below. Default value is '.' (the current folder)
  • -q,--query-file <arg> Name of the query file in the directory. Default value is ./query.rqg
  • -o,--output <arg> Location where the output is to be stored. By default the output is stored in a file with the same name as the query and the extension '.out'.
  • -ao,--append-output Write from the end of the output file, instead of replacing it.
  • -fo,--format-output Format of the output file, e.g. TTL, NT, etc. for GENERATE, or TEXT, XML, CSV, etc. for SELECT.
  • -l,--log-level <arg> Set log level, acceptable values are TRACE < DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < OFF. No value or unrecognized value results in level TRACE
  • -f,--log-file <arg> Location where the log is to be stored. Output also goes to the console.
  • -s,--stream Generate output as stream.
  • -hdt,--hdt Generate output as HDT.
  • -dt,--debug-template Debug the template output: insert warning identifiers that refer to the log.
  • (deprecated) --source Replaces <source> in a SOURCE clause with the given value, e.g. urn:sg:source=source.json.
  • -Bvar=GraphTerm Initially bind ?var to a Turtle 1.1 Graph Term.
  • -x,--syntax Just validate the query, do nothing else.
Configuration file (optional)

Optionally, the query may be run in a directory with a configuration file sparql-generate-conf.json that describes default execution options, and execution context configuration such as queryset and/or documentset and/or dataset.

Note: Command-line options always override the specification in the Configuration file sparql-generate-conf.json.

Configuration file sparql-generate-conf.json is a JSON Object.

The following keys specify the query execution context:

  • base (optional, no default value). Base URI of the working directory. If set, each file in the working directory is identified by a URI resolved against the base. Example: "".
  • query (default value query.rqg). Location of the main query file.
  • namedqueries is an array of objects. Each named query object contains:
    • uri (string) the URI that identifies the named query
    • path (string) the location of the named query file.
  • graph (default value dataset/default.ttl). Location of the default graph in Turtle.
  • namedgraphs is an array of objects. Each named graph object contains:
    • uri (string) the URI that identifies the named graph
    • path (string) the location of the named graph in Turtle.
  • documentset is an array of objects. Each named document object contains:
    • uri (string) the URI that identifies the named document
    • path (string) the location of the named document
    • mediatype (string, optional) the media type of the document. Example: text/csv, application/json

The following keys specify the output:

  • output (optional, default value query.out). Location where the output is to be stored.
  • outputAppend (boolean, default value false). true if the output is to be appended to the output file
  • outputFormat (optional). Format of the output file, e.g. "TTL", "NT", etc. for GENERATE, or "TEXT", "XML", "CSV", etc. for SELECT.
  • stream (boolean, default value false). If true, generate output as stream.
  • hdt (boolean, default value false). If true, generate output as HDT.

The following keys determine the amount of logging:

  • log (integer, default value 5). The log level ({ "0": "OFF", "1": "ERROR", "2": "WARN", "3": "INFO", "4": "DEBUG", "5": "TRACE"} )
  • debugTemplate (boolean, default value false). Debug the template output: insert warning identifiers that refer to the log.


  • key logFile is ignored. Log will always be outputted in <queryname>.rqgout.
  • log>3 is very verbose and should be used only to debug. Not to evaluate performances.

Example of a configuration document

  "base": "",
  "query": "query.rqg",
  "namedqueries": [
      "uri": "",
      "path": "queryset/query0.rqg"
  "graph": "dataset/default.ttl",
  "namedgraphs": [
      "uri": "",
      "path": "dataset/graph0.ttl"
  "documentset": [
      "uri": "",
      "mediatype": "text/plain",
      "path": "documentset/document0.txt"
  "log": "5"