Integration with the Sublime Text editor

Edit and run SPARQL-Generate projects directly in Sublime text with the pre-release of the LinkedData package.

Note: as for SPARQL-Generate CLI, all input and output files are assumed to be in UTF-8.


Installation instructions are available on the GitHub of the LinkedData package.


The SPARQL-Generate Sublime package are folders that contain a query file query.rqg.

Optionally, a SPARQL-Generate project configuration file sparql-generate-conf.json, which may override the name of the main query file.

Run the SPARQL-Generate project in (Tools -> Build), or CTRL+B. (SUPER+B on Mac).

The bottom part of the text editor contains the live log with level INFO.

A more verbose Log file is outputted in <queryname>.rqgout. Shortcut to open it is CTRL+SHIFT+L (SUPER+SHIFT+L on Mac).


You can configure your SPARQL-Generate project inside a sparql-generate-conf.json file in the same folder as the main query. Key shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+O should open this file (SUPER+SHIFT+O on Mac).

Configuration file sparql-generate-conf.json is a JSON Object.

The following keys specify the query execution context:

  • base (optional, no default value). Base URI of the working directory. If set, each file in the working directory is identified by a URI resolved against the base. Example: "".
  • query (default value query.rqg). Location of the main query file.
  • namedqueries is an array of objects. Each named query object contains:
    • uri (string) the URI that identifies the named query
    • path (string) the location of the named query file.
  • graph (default value dataset/default.ttl). Location of the default graph in Turtle.
  • namedgraphs is an array of objects. Each named graph object contains:
    • uri (string) the URI that identifies the named graph
    • path (string) the location of the named graph in Turtle.
  • documentset is an array of objects. Each named document object contains:
    • uri (string) the URI that identifies the named document
    • path (string) the location of the named document
    • mediatype (string, optional) the media type of the document. Example: text/csv, application/json

The following keys specify the output:

  • output (optional, default value query.out). Location where the output is to be stored.
  • outputAppend (boolean, default value false). true if the output is to be appended to the output file
  • outputFormat (optional). Format of the output file, e.g. "TTL", "NT", etc. for GENERATE, or "TEXT", "XML", "CSV", etc. for SELECT.
  • stream (boolean, default value false). If true, generate output as stream.
  • hdt (boolean, default value false). If true, generate output as HDT.

The following keys determine the amount of logging:

  • log (integer, default value 5). The log level ({ "0": "OFF", "1": "ERROR", "2": "WARN", "3": "INFO", "4": "DEBUG", "5": "TRACE"} )
  • debugTemplate (boolean, default value false). Debug the template output: insert warning identifiers that refer to the log.


  • key logFile is ignored. Log will always be outputted in <queryname>.rqgout.
  • log>3 is very verbose and should be used only to debug. Not to evaluate performances.

Example of a configuration document

  "base": ""
  "query": "query.rqg",
  "namedqueries": [
      "uri": "",
      "path": "queryset/query0.rqg"
  "graph": "dataset/default.ttl",
  "namedgraphs": [
      "uri": "",
      "path": "dataset/graph0.ttl"
  "documentset": [
      "uri": "",
      "mediatype": "text/plain",
      "path": "documentset/document0.txt"
  "log": "5"