Journées Francophones Planification, Décision et Apprentissage
(Evènement affilié à PFIA 2022)
27 Juin - 1er Juillet 2022, Saint-Étienne, France

Voir quelques photos de PFIA 2022 !

Programme JFPDA

JFPDA aura lieu le jeudi 30 juin. Voici le programme prévisionnel. Les exposés des articles acceptés durent 30min questions incluses.


Conférence invitée Prof. Franck Gechter



Conférence invitée Ing. Jean-François Puget


Title: Monte Carlo Search

Abstract: Monte Carlo Search is a family of general search algorithms that have many applications in different domains. It is the state of the art in perfect and imperfect information games. Other applications include the RNA inverse folding problem, Logistics, Multiple Sequence Alignment, General Game Playing, Puzzles, 3D Packing with Object Orientation, Cooperative Pathfinding, Software testing and heuristic Model-Checking. In recent years, many researchers have explored different variants of the algorithms, their relations to Deep Reinforcement Learning and their different applications. The talk will give a broad overview of Monte Carlo Search and of its applications.